The International Development Initiative supports ASU to identify opportunities to leverage its extensive expertise in developing solutions to water scarcity and resource management in Arizona and works with faculty experts to adapt innovations to meet the needs of developing countries.
Through supporting Arizona in addressing water challenges through research, technological innovation and policy guidance, ASU has developed extensive experience relevant to the water challenges facing developing countries. These include negotiating tensions between water users, including agricultural and industrial sectors and urban citizens; strengthening capacity and building expertise in water resource management; and supporting watershed management, conservation and irrigation improvement — all while ensuring that water use is grounded in climate resilience.
ASU’s expertise in water is wide-ranging and encompasses numerous centers, institutes and initiatives. The International Development Initiative engages this expertise to support developing countries in improving water quality by making purification technology more accessible. We also leverage faculty expertise to support effective decision-making and planning around water resources management and policy. ASU also offers strong expertise in water reclamation, remediation and treatment, as well as understanding the effects of climate on water supply and usage.
ASU’s comprehensive work in water is a key priority of the university’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory — ASU’s umbrella initiative for creating solutions to ensure a habitable, prosperous planet Earth for future generations. Modeled after the U.S. National Laboratories system, the Global Futures Laboratory comprises internationally recognized scientists and innovators and convenes strategic governmental, non-governmental and private sector partners to address a wide range of issues critical to Earth’s future.
Related projects

Holistic Water Solutions
Lebanon and Jordan
ASU implemented Holistic Water Solutions project for USAID, which served 18 vulnerable and refugee host communities in Lebanon and Jordan, benefiting more than 36,000 people. The project provided leveraged technology, innovation and local business development to provide potable water at both the community and household levels.

Water Resources Decision Support System
In Pernambuco, Brazil, ASU researchers worked with local and regional partners to promote integrated water resource management models to address drought vulnerability and respond to climate change.

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