The International Development Initiative partners with diverse local energy stakeholders across the world to catalyze, facilitate and support energy resiliency and equitable transitions to clean energy sources.
Across the developing world, citizens lack access to reliable, affordable electricity, hindering economic growth and increasing reliance on pollution-intensive fuels that exacerbate health problems and accelerate climate change. Energy infrastructure is often inadequate, leading to reduced efficiency and increased costs that limit prospects for economic growth and contribute to the persistence of poverty. To successfully transition to sustainable, cleaner energy sources, developing countries must be empowered with the resources and local expertise to drive infrastructure development, domestic energy innovation and energy workforce development.
The International Development Initiative works with governments, higher education institutions and energy industries to strengthen energy systems and drive resiliency. Through collaborative, cross-sectoral relationships that address technological, educational, policy and economic dimensions of energy, ASU supports the development of local capacity for the knowledge-intensive training and research necessary to drive energy system modernization.
Our approach leverages ASU’s strengths as a global university — including its ability to form unique collaborations with local higher education institutions and its strong expertise in energy technology and policy — to establish enduring new capabilities and capacity for local energy resilience and innovation. Additionally, we advance equitable and inclusive models for transitioning to energy sustainability by creating pathways to educational certifications for women and marginalized and disadvantaged groups, as well as opportunities to lead their communities in adopting microgrid and solar technologies.
ASU’s work in energy is supported by transdisciplinary scientists and policy experts affiliated with the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory — ASU’s umbrella initiative for creating solutions to ensure a habitable, prosperous planet Earth for future generations. Modeled after the U.S. National Laboratories system, the Global Futures Laboratory comprises internationally recognized scientists and innovators and convenes strategic governmental, non-governmental and private sector partners to address climate change and a wide range of issues critical to Earth’s future.
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