The International Development Initiative works with funding agencies and in-country education, government and civic partners to promote educational models that drive economic growth and workforce development and unlock opportunities for youth.

Across the Global South, exploding youth populations bring new challenges — and opportunities — for education systems and national economies. Many developing countries have made dramatic strides in expanding access to basic education, but the next horizon is increasing educational quality while developing pathways to post-secondary opportunities. Realizing the potential of higher education as a catalyst for employment, entrepreneurship, economic growth, and stability requires capacity strengthening at the individual, institutional and systemic level with a focus on workforce development, private sector partnership and applied research.

The International Development Initiative utilizes the lessons learned in ASU’s own transformation — one of the most radical redesigns in the history of global higher education — which simultaneously increases accessibility and quality and advances economic growth. We work with local partners to elevate basic education quality through teacher training, curriculum development and innovative approaches to education delivery that overcome geographic and technological limitations. In higher education, we work with ministries and institutions to advance transformative models that increase market relevance, drive workforce development and create capacity for development-relevant local research. 

In both basic and higher education, ASU leverages its strengths as a leader in education technology to advance digital transformation, even in low-tech and low bandwidth environments, to expand access, strengthen delivery and improve student outcomes at scale. We also work on youth development through opportunities for entrepreneurship, employment and civic engagement, fostering leadership skills and supporting their ability to be agents of positive change.

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Group of young people pose for the camera

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