Economic growth

Group of young people pose for the camera

Young African Leadership Initiative Legacy Localization

Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Legacy Localization seeks to unite the work of multiple YALI stakeholders to conceive a pan-sub-Saharan African entity named YALI Africa to develop the next generation of African leaders through the harmonization and strengthening of a comprehensive leadership training program in 49 countries in Africa.

Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Supply Chain-Africa (CARISCA)

The Center for Applied Research and Innovation in Supply Chain-Africa (CARISCA) is an innovative partnership between ASU and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) that works to strengthen local capacity for improved supply chains in Ghana and throughout Africa.

Academy of Women Entrepreneurs

ASU’s Thunderbird School of Global Management is supporting the U.S. Department of State’s Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), a program that promotes women’s economic opportunities and ensures that they have the capabilities and resources necessary for equitable economic participation. 

Building University-Industry Learning and Development through Innovation and Technology (BUILD-IT)

Building University-Industry Learning and Development through Innovation and Technology (BUILD-IT) is a transformative USAID-funded program that leverages a diverse consortium of government, industry and academic partners to enable inclusive, technology-driven economic growth in Vietnam.