Advancing Modern Power through Utility Partnerships (AmpUp) is a consortium that works to advance a low-carbon future and support the expansion and improvement of global energy. Led by the United States Energy Association, the AmpUp consortium offers expertise to members and partner networks worldwide to strengthen capacity, provide technical assistance and enable infrastructure and utility development.
AmpUp’s model of research, development and demonstration facilitates rapid learning and adaptation to enhance local impact and scale solutions globally across partner networks. ASU’s role in AmpUp is to lead a comprehensive, modular training for industry executives, government regulators, engineers and operators that covers every aspect of grid modernization, including technical, business, policy, environmental and social dimensions.
ASU supports AmpUp’s ability to simultaneously have a global reach while operating at the national level through coordination with mission offices and electric utilities in participating countries.
Work area: Energy
Region: Worldwide
Award amount: $39 million
Date: 2021-2026
Implementing partner(s): MK Advisors, national rural electric Cooperative Association, SEGURA Consulting, United States Energy Association (prime)

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